Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Free School Meals

If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, follow this link to apply :  Free School Meals

Alternatively, please ask in the school office for more information. 


Dinner Menu 

There is now a school meals app where you can view all the school meals easily. 

You can also access more comprehensive menu information on the app, including full allergen information on the dishes we provide. Simply go to: www.schoolmeals.bradford.gov.uk 

A full breakdown of sandwich/panini options are shown below.

Packed Lunches

Our school dinners (prepared on the premises) are a great choice, but if you do decide to make a packed lunch for your child, here are some hints and tips for what their lunchbox should contain as well as lots of easy ideas children will love.


Base the meal on bread, rice, pasta, potatoes or other starchy carbohydrates. Choose wholegrain where you can.

Include a good helping of fruit and vegetables - if these are pre-chopped they are easier to eat - as well as some dairy or dairy alternatives.

Wraps and pots of fillings can be more exciting - try houmous with sticks of carrot or cucumber.

Add salad to sandwiches as these count towards their 5-a-day.  Try grated carrot, tomatoes or lettuce.

Get your child involved in choosing what goes into their packed lunch.

Main meal ideas:

Coleslaw & chicken pitta, egg mayo roll with lettuce, soft cheese sandwich with grated carrot or cucumber, tuna bagel.

Snack ideas: 

Sugar-free jelly, malt loaf, plain popcorn, rice cakes, fruit and yoghurt, houmous with veg sticks, cherry tomatoes, chopped fruit, crackers.

Reminder:  Due to a number of children and staff within school having serious nut allergies, please do not bring nuts or nut based products such as Nutella into school.  Please do not include fizzy drinks or sweets in your child's packed lunch.