Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to the Class 4 page. Here you will find the parent letters, spelling lists and

information on times tables and KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts for Maths).

Please feel free to contact school if you have any questions or concerns to arrange

a chat with either Mrs McMeekin, Mrs Dodsworth, or any of the adults working in class 4.

We have a great half term planned with lots of fantastic learning opportunities - watch this space!

Long Term Plan 

Long term plan

Class Letter

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Y4 Homework Autumn 1

Y4 Homework Autumn 2

Y4 Homework Spring 1

Y4 Homework Spring 2

Y4 Homework Summer 1

Y4 Homework Summer 2


Please make sure your child practices their spellings ready for their tests on each Friday.  Our first test begins on the 14th September.  Each child has been sent home with their appropriate list and has a spare copy at school to use.  They are also available in the links below.

Autumn 1

Y4 Spelling List A

Y4 Spelling List B

Y4 Spelling List C

Autumn 2

Y4 Spelling List A

Y4 Spelling List B

Y4 Spelling List C

Y4 Spelling List D

Spring 1

Y4 Spelling List A

Y4 Spelling List B

Y4 Spelling List C

Y4 Spelling List D

Spring 2

Please use the correct list for your child.  We are also going to learn Year 4 statutory words each week this half term.

Y4 Spelling List A

Y4 Spelling List B

Y4 Spelling List C

Y4 Spelling List D

Summer 1

Please use the correct list for your child.  

Y4 Spelling List A

Y4 Spelling List B

Y4 Spelling List C

Y4 Spelling List D

Summer 2

Please use the correct list for your child.

Y4 Spelling List A

Y4 Spelling List B

Y4 Spelling List C

Y4 Spelling List D

Times Tables & Maths

Times tables are another life skill which will help children, not only throughout their school life, but also in the adult world!  And we have the national tests coming up soon. It is therefore essential that you help your child to learn ALL the times tables from x2 - x12. Knowing times tables by heart makes Maths easier for children and aids them in completing daily challenges.

Please also remember to use Times Table Rockstars, it is a great resource for practising times tables and will help your child prepare for the statutory test later this year.  Your child should have their log in details in their reading book, if you need these again, please ask a member of the team.


You can find the Year 4 KIRFS here too.  We will work on these during the half term, then complete an assessment at the end of term.

Anglo-Saxon Day

Here are just some of the photos of us during our Anglo-Saxon Day in year 4.  We invited parents to come in at the end of the day to look at what we had been learning and enjoying too!

We played a team quiz game to find out about Anglo-Saxon life; we used clues to find the names of place names, then plot them onto a map of the ancient kingdoms; we played a Kahoot quiz; we researched and wrote about their gods; we looked at the Bayeux tapestry, then used this to inspire our own art creations about the Battle of Hastings.

And we made bean stew, Herb Robert tea and tried making butter - our butter didn't work! Oh, and we used a fire steel to make sparks - we would have needed to do this to make fires in  Anglo-Saxon times.

World Book Day 2024

Take a look at the fun we had in year 4 celebrating World Book Day.

Cliffe Castle workshop

Here we are learning at Cliffe Castle - mummifying a body, collecting artefacts for burial and drawing maps of ancient Egypt.

Take a look at year 4 getting active and raising money for Children in Need.


Here we are enjoying the BIL Assembly (Be Internet Legends).  We voted for the award winners - and got the same each time1