Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


 Welcome to the Class 2 page!

Welcome to Class 2! 


Wow! We have made it to the final half term of the year! The children have worked incredibly hard and continue to grow and progress. They all deserve a big pat on the back. This term, we will be focusing on a new book called Space band by Tom Fletcher, we will look at setting descriptions, song writing and growth mindset. Our topic is Explorers and we will be learning about Cristopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. 

We can't wait to get stuck in to a very exciting half term! 


From Miss Whitaker and Miss Khalil 


Take a look at this year's long term plan to get an overview of what's happening in Year 2! Click here


Welcome to the Class 2 page. 

Find out what we are learning this term and check out the Read Write Inc videos below to support your child's learning!

Letter for parents and carers here

Homework letter here

Handwriting –

Please ask your child to practice their handwriting regularly, making sure their letters start and stay on the line, are the correct size, and that their writing is joined up consistently.

Click here to see the progression skills for handwriting.

Spellings -

In Years 1 and 2, children are expected to learn the Common Exception Words (CEW). They are also known as RED words in RWI.

To view the Common Exception Words for both Year 1 and Year 2: here

You will find this term's spellings hereSpellings Group 1

                                                                  Spellings Group 2

Every Friday there will be a spelling challenge to assess your child's spelling skills. 


The children are focusing on their English skills this half term. They will be learning about spelling, grammar and punctuation, and how best to apply that knowledge to their writing. We will have a focus text to encourage creative writing, this term our text is Space band by Tom Fletcher. 


In Geography last term, our focus was to study an non-European village -Chembakolli, in India. To embrace the rich culture of India, we had an India Day. The children dressed in bright clothes, ate Indian food, learned Indian dance and music, and even had the chance to get a henna design. 

Our focus text last term was 'Inside the Villians' and 'Into the Forest'. The children had great fun devling into the books and using them to create their own work. We had great fun role-playing the giant from 'Inside the Villians', making our giants talk using 'Chatterpix' and using conscience alley to debate which way we should walk to grandmas'. 

In science, we went on a plant hunt, dissected a seed and then grew our own plants.

Class 2 singing 'The 5 Oceans' song! Enjoy!