Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 page.


Welcome to Year 5.  

The teachers working in class are: Mrs Brewer (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Taylor (Thu-Fri).

This page has all the resources you need to access learning at home.

Home learning is a great opportunity for you to explore the topics we are covering at school.  Please bring in any work  to share with the class and also update us with any achievements outside of school-we would love to hear about them all!

Reading please continue to read at home regularly. Children in year 5 have access to a wide range of texts, from their leveled reading book, to library books and class literature. We would much rather a child was reading something they enjoy and don't want to put down as opposed to forcing them! Age appropriate newspapers, magazines and comics are great ideas too!

Spellings– Our spelling tests are on Friday, so please make time during the week to prepare for the test. The lists fro this half term can be found below.

Times tables – Times table quick recall is still a focus this year even after the multiplication check in Year 4. We will be working on various times tables in school but for those of you wanting an extra challenge, log on to TT Rockstars to practise the 13x, 14x and 15x tables. TT Rockstars - This web-based app gives you a fun way to consolidate your times tables. Please continue to log in and use the activities to help improve your times table recall.

KIRFs - Key instant recall facts are number facts that are simply helpful for us to know, without thinking. These can be found in orange home-learning books or via the link below. Please practice these for a test at the end of the half term.

Year 5 KIRFS


Class Letters and Information

Long Term Plan

Summer 2 Letter

Summer 2 Spellings Set A

Summer 2 Spellings Set B

Summer 2 Home Learning


Summer 1 letter

Summer 1 Spellings Set A

Summer 1 Spellings Set B

Summer 1 Home Learning


Spring 2 Letter

Spring 2 Spellings Set A

Spring 2 Spellings Set B

Spring 2 Home Learning


Spring 1 Letter

Spring 1 Spellings Set A

Spring 1 Spellings Set B

Spring 1 Home Learning


Autumn 2 Letter

Autumn 2 Spellings Set A

Autumn 2 Spellings Set B

Autumn 2 Home Learning


Autumn 1 Letter

Autumn 1 Spellings set A

Autumn 1 Spellings set B

Autumn 1 Home Learning


Year 5 Learning

During the first half term, Class 5 learnt the song, 'We are unstoppable' and performed it as a class. During the performance, some children rose to the challenge and took on a solo part. Please listen to our wonderful children's performance of the song by clicking on the link below.

We are unstoppable


We are 'Internet Legends'

On Tuesday 28th November we took part in a nationwide live assembly about keeping safe online.

Take a look at our AMAZING artwork...

During Spring half term, we have been looking at collage in art. We linked this to our work in English - the non-fiction book: Atlas of Adventures and chose a famous landmark/monument to depict using collage skills and techniques. The end results not only look absolutely stunning, but the hard-work and learning that took place before this happened was a real credit to all our children. Take a look for yourselves!


In Science we have been learning about Earth and Space. Here, we were learning about the phases of the moon and we tried to demonstrate this with Oreos! We had to lock on to our learning, collaborate and of course; love our learning!

Road safety

On Friday 8th December, Class 5 took part in a Road Safety Quiz. A member of the Road Safety Team from Bradford Council conducted a session and quizzed our knowledge. As you can see from the photos, Class 5 were keen to show off their knowledge!

Greek Day!!

Class 5 enjoyed Greek Day. We learned about three famous philosophers (Aristotle, Plato and Socrates). We created busts of one of these three philosophers using clay. I am sure you will agree, class 5 are very artistic!! It was lovely to see so much effort being put into costumes. Please see our photos of our day.


Year 5 get creative...

We were asked to decorate some hard hats for a festive photo for the construction department at Craven College. We were enthusiastic and loved this learning - we had to think how to use resources to make an effective Christmas craft! Here is the praise we received from the college:


Would you please pass my huge thanks onto your year 5 class at Eastburn School for the wonderfully decorated construction hardhats. Kevin Wilcox, the bricklaying tutor, showed them to me yesterday and I was really impressed with the creativity and artistic skills shown by the children. The hats are proudly displayed in the construction area near our Christmas tree and brighten up the space beautifully. Thank you again.

Year 5's Festive Activities...