SCHOOL AIM – to achieve and maintain a minimum school attendance of 96%.
The following attendance strategy is currently in place and will be reviewed on a regular basis:
Celebration Assemblies will focus on positive achievements throughout school and highlight classes in school with excellent attendance .The class with the highest attendance will be allowed to come in non uniform the following Monday as a reward.
Letters and texts concerning attendance are sent out as and when appropriate e.g. extended leave, medical appointments etc. Parents are kept up to date with attendance information and constantly reminded about key facts.
Children who are not able to attend school, (e.g. a broken leg or long term illness) but who are still able to learn at home are issued with appropriately levelled work and are marked as educated off site provided work is completed, returned to school and marked. Children who are in hospital for longer periods of time receive tuition and are marked as educated off site.
The school liaises closely with Bradford Council’s Educational Social Work team with particular reference to the children with Persistent Absence (less than 90% attendance), children who are identified as Missing in Education (CME) and Extended Leave cases.
This information from the NHS is helpful in understanding whether your child is too poorly to attend school or not.