Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Wellbeing Day

Here are Reception class enjoying our Wellbeing Cafe event. This has been run entirely by our Mental Health Champions. 

The whole school accessed activities designed to improve mood and boost our mental health. What a super day!

Author Visit

We recently had Author Dean Narayn-Lee in school visiting the children in EYFS and KS1 talking about his book 'The Loving Earth'.  He welcomed questions from the children and they all had a wonderful time learning about how and why we look after our planet. Children also had to opportunity to purchase his signed book.

Safer Internet Day 2024 is back!

We celebrated by having a whole-school assembly and completing other activities in our classes.  Some classes logged on to watch the Internet Legends assembly, some classes completed activities too.  Take a look at our photos.

Staying Safe online

This year's Internet Legends Assembly takes place on February 6th at 9.30.  If you are free, why not log on at home and see what it is all about.

Click here for the assembly: https://youtube.com/live/zGfMFGr8JZI?feature=share 

For more details on parent zone and the Be Internet Legends resources, click here: Be Internet Legends resources | Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life



Choir are singing again.  

This time, choir went on a trip to Airedale Hospital, to sing carols and Christmas songs for visitors and colleagues at the local hospital.

12 Days of Christmas Art work and Christmas Choir

The children at Eastburn took on a whole school challenge to represent the 12 days of Christmas through Art. Each class has used their creative skills to represent 2 days of Christmas.  Parents/carers were then invited into school to view the artwork whilst the choir sang.

Some children from Years 5 and 6 recently took part in a clay workshop at South Craven School where they worked with the Art Department to create these wonderful clay lanterns!

Be Internet Legends

This high-energy assembly is a fun way to learn about staying safer online. Use this link to access the Be Internet Legends assembly:


Take a look at some of the classes enjoying the assembly.  Use the link below to print out a certificate too.



Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day was on February 7th - the theme this year being "Enjoy, Reach out, Speak out!".  The digital leaders led an assembly in front of the whole school on staying safe online.  There has also been a poster competition which the digital leaders will judge and announce the winners in Spring 2.

Here is the assembly the digital leaders gave.

Safer Internet Day Assembly

Online safety - a workshop for parents

Parents in KS2 were invited to come into school in the New Year to learn more about online safety. 

Below are some useful documents and links to help you think about how to keep your child safe online.


Staying safe online

Resource sheet

Erasmus project launches e-safety quiz

Children in year 5 and in our project schools in Sweden, Slovenia and Greece completed online quizzes on e-safety to see just how well they can navigate safely around the web.  Once completed successfully, the children have earned a Computer Safety certificate.

Check out the quiz here - in the different languages:



Slovenian or



Eastburn hosts international visitors as part of its Erasmus project

Eastburn plays host to international visitors

As part of a 4-year Erasmus+ funded programme, Eastburn Junior & Infant School hosted a visit from schools in Sweden, Greece and Slovenia.

In 2019 Eastburn Junior & Infant School joined forces with schools from Sweden, Greece and Slovenia, to work on an Erasmus project with the aim of supporting and developing teachers and students to become better digital citizens of the future.  The project intends to develop computing and internet safety skills so that children, across all the schools, are confident that they can use IT effectively and navigate the World Wide Web responsibly. 

During the week, the school organised a number of events for their international partners, creating opportunities for them to meet and work with the children at school and to develop computing skills.  This included:

a coding workshop run by Tim Bleazard through the local computing Hub,

a virtual assembly on ‘Internet Legends’ held for visitors and children in year 5,

child-led tours and workshops on coding and animation,

and school-wide assemblies for the children to learn about the other schools and countries in the project.

Additionally, the visitors were able to experience the local area, including a visit to the museum in Skipton to see the Shakespeare folio, a visit to Skipton Castle and a trip to the Science and Media Museum to visit the galleries on computing and the internet.  “It has been great to see how well the children have engaged with the visitors, particularly our digital leaders and their enthusiasm for computing,” Mrs McMeekin (the project leader) explained, “and we were proud to be able to show our visitors what we have to offer.”



 'Treachery at Traitor's Quay'! 2023

Years 5 & 6 put on an amazing end of year production. They were absolutely fantastic and were a credit to themselves.

Thank you to our fabulous parents for volunteering for the career fair on 29th June.  The children thoroughly enjoyed it and were so inspired  -
a fantastic afternoon was had by all!

Mexican Day in Y6

Year 6 Mexican Day: We dressed up, prepared and enjoyed Mexican food and made clay monkeys inspired by famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. We had a brilliant day!

Queens Jubilee Tree Planting - March 2022

To celebrate the Queens Jubilee, we were given 7 trees and each class planted their own 'Class Tree'. Below you can see exactly where each class tree is and some photos of the event.