Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Welcome to Year 1


Welcome to Year 1's page where you can find our termly letters and homework suggestions. This will help you find out what we are up to each half term and give you a focus for any additional activities that relate to our learning topics. 




Class Letters and Information - Summer 2

Class Letter 

Home Learning

The Phonics Screening check will take place throughout the week commencing 10th June. 

Information can be found here.

Reading in Year  1 using Read Write Inc

In Class 1 we follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme where we practice reading sounds, spelling and reading daily.  Please click here to find more information on how we teach reading in school.

Each week, we will send a link for the phonics sound your child has been learning.  These will be sent via Class Dojo.  This not only keeps you up to date with sounds your child has learnt, but also offers an opportunity for them to show off their reading skills - please encourage your child to practise as often as they can!

Home learning

Each Monday we will change RWI reading books and set new spellings for the following week. 

Please could we ask that children bring their orange home learning book into school, together with their reading folder every Monday.

Weekly Spellings - please click on the links below.

Yellow and Orange Group

Pink Group


Here in Year 1, we follow the White Rose mastery based schemes of learning.  To find out what the children will be learning, please click on the links below.

Position and Direction

Place Value to 100




Maths at home - Children should practice these Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF's) regularly. Please click here to find out this half terms focus.

Useful Websites

www.phonicsplay.co.uk - here you will find some free games to help your child practice their blending, such as ;the 'Buried Treasure game' and 'Obb and Bob'.

www.topmarks.co.uk - some more fun games to practice skills that we have learnt at school.

www.ictgames.com - some more fun games to practice skills that we have learnt at school.


Please make sure your child is supervised when using these sites, to make sure that the adverts that may pop up are age appropriate!

Children have an opportunity to change their library book on Thursday's so please help them to remember to  bring their books into school!


This half term, we will be focusing on 'Growing and Changing' using the SCARF scheme to deliver our PSHE lessons.  Please read the Class Letter for further information, or visit he NSPCC website by clicking here.

You can use these at home activities to further embed the SCARF values shown below.

SCARF is designed to help children be their best – physically, mentally, emotionally and academically – through the SCARF values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.

This week, we have been learning about weight and mass.  We enjoyed weighing classroom objects using non-standard units (snapblocks!)

Year 1  are learning about sculpture.  We found out that sculptures can be made from many different materials including sand, ice, snow and even balloons!  Here we are making our own using materials found in the classroom.


Class 1 have been exploring numbers to 50 using classroom objects!