Welcome to Year 1
A very warm welcome to our Year 1 class page.
Learning through practical and concrete activities helps children's confidence to blossom as they quickly develop the skills to become even more independent in their learning. We work as a team to develop our knowledge and understanding and are guided by our values of ready, respectful and safe.
The Year 1 team are all committed to providing the best learning experiences possible and are on hand if you have any have any questions.
We are looking forward to a busy but fun year where we will all have our time to shine!
Class Letters
Key Instant Recall Facts
In Years 1 and 2, children are expected to learn the Common Exception Words (CEW). They are also known as RED words in RWI.
To view the Common Exception Words for both Year 1 and Year 2: here
You will find weekly spelling lists here:
Miss Allister/Mrs Quirk's groups
Keeping Safe
Children will explore the different ways they can keep themselves safe, including online. They'll be learning skills in assertiveness, recognising the influence of friends, and also how to think critically about the decisions they can make to help themselves manage risks safely.
As part of RSHE, Keeping Safe also includes ways in which children can differentiate between good or bad
touches. We use the NSPCC Underwear Rule materials to provide children with the following outcomes:
- Understand and learn the PANTS rules;
- Name and know which parts should be private;
- Explain the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch;
- Understand that they have the right to say “no” to unwanted touch;
- Start thinking about who they trust and who they can ask for help.
For further information, please click NSPCC - Let's Talk PANTS
Please also find a link to some further family-learning resources which provide age-appropriate activities based on SCARF PSHE (including RSHE) themes for children and parents to do together – no password required!
Twelve days of Christmas - Partridge in a Pear Tree and 2 Turtle Doves.