Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Eastburn Primary School


How do I apply for leave of absence?

If you need to take your child out of school then you must apply for leave of absence. Please fill in the form and attach an accompanying letter.  You can download the form here or email the office and we can send one home with your child.  Please be aware that leave will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.


How do I report my child’s absence from school due to illness or for medical/dental appointments?

To avoid disruption in classroom learning, please try and arrange general check ups for outside school time wherever possible.  You can inform school of your child’s absence if they are unwell or have a medical appointment by leaving a message on the absence line.  Just call school and press 1. 


Where can I find the term dates?

Our term dates for this academic year can be found on our website under office / term dates.


Can I see a copy of the lunch menu and what is the cost of a school dinner?

You can see a copy of the lunch menu on our website under the office tab. This changes usually twice a year and you will receive a paper copy when that happens. The cost of a school dinner is stated in the school prospectus and includes a main course and a dessert.


How do I pay for a school dinner for my child?

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals.  Most of the children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 must pay for school meals.  Payments for school dinners are made through Parentpay. The school office will provide parents with log-in details so that you can access your Parentpay account.

If your joint family income is less than £16,190 per year, or if you are in receipt of certain benefits, your child is entitled to a ‘free school meal’ (regardless of their age) as well as a number of additional benefits.  To check if you are eligible, visit https://www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals and fill in a few details.


How do I pay for trips, clubs and uniform?

We use a company called School Gateway to take bookings and payments for the following; breakfast and after school club (FunZone), most after school sports clubs, trips and school uniform orders.  Simply visit www.schoolgateway.com or download the app.  Orders for uniform are usually taken towards the end of the school year but if you need anything throughout the year please email or call the office.


How do I pay for school milk?

School milk for the children is provided by Cool Milk and is delivered fresh every morning.  Milk is free for children in Reception class until the week before they turn five.  If you would like your child to have milk after this, visit www.coolmilk.com for further information and to order.


What are the timings of the school day?

School starts at 9.00am and finishes at 3.20pm. Reception class finish at 3.15pm.


Can children bring mobile phones to school?

Children in Year 6 can bring mobile phones into school but they must be handed in at the school office on arrival and collected at the end of the day.


Can children walk home from school alone?

Children in Year 6 can walk home from school alone providing we have written consent from their parent/carer.


Can my child bring their medicine into school?

We ask that parents administer any medication before or after school if at all possible.  School staff are unable to administer over-the-counter medication but may administer prescription medicines if necessary. This will only be done in accordance with the school policy, which requires that parents complete, sign and date a parental consent form to allow a member of staff to administer medication in school. For children with longer-term medical needs, a care plan will be drawn up.

You can print the consent form here as well as the dosage log. Please fill these in and hand in at the school office.

Prescription medications must be brought in to school in the original packaging with a pharmacy prescription label stating the child’s details, current date and recommended dosage.

All medicines, including inhalers, must be handed in to the school office in order that they can be stored safely. Children must not carry medicines in school.


What do I do about lost property, including lost reading/library books and uniform?

Library and reading books that are given to children are recorded on the child’s library card and reading record.  These books should be kept in their book bags.  Please inform school if a book has been misplaced.

Please speak with the class teacher and get your child to thoroughly check their cloakroom if an item of clothing has been misplaced.


What if my child has forgotten their password for sumdog/the school forum/schoolgateway/parentpay?

Please email the office at office@eastburn.bradford.sch.uk if you have forgotten your child’s login details for anything.


It’s my child’s birthday, can he/she bring sweets into school for their classmates?

Due to a number of allergies within school, we are unable to accept and hand out sweets/chocolate to children in school.


I would like a paper copy of the information on the school website, where can I get this?

A paper copy of information on the school website is available from the office at no cost.