Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Welcome to Reception

 Hello and welcome to Reception's class page. Here you will find useful information that we will send out during the year. If you have any queries for us, please feel free to catch us on the playground before or after school.


Mrs Newman and Miss Collis x



This afternoon the children have been very adventurous! 
We thought what better way to learn about different countries than to taste the delicious food! 

The children have had; poppadoms, mango chutney, Tzatziki, pitta bread, cous cous & pilau rice. 
They absolutely demolished what was on their plates and they all had such fun exploring the different tastes and textures. 

After the taste testing, many children drew their plates and labelled what they had drawn. We also had some cous cous made out of playdough! 

We love the different ways we can learn in Reception


We had a lovely visit from our local Police Community Support Officer. 
She gave us lots of information and introduced us to some of her police friends. She let us try on the uniform and helped us to identify some emergencies and we learnt what we might need to do in these emergencies. 


 Today we had our Spring 2 stay and play session. Many of our grownups came into the classroom and saw what Exceptional Learners we are! We had; cress seed planting, fork tulips, a phonics hunt and daffodil painting as well as many other areas of provision to engage with. We love having our grown ups in the classroom! 


We had a fantastic day for World Book Day! 

We wore our pajamas to school, we had a book swap, we listened to an author read to us, we had a special guest teacher come and read their favourite story and did more book themed classroom activities! 


Buddies from class 5 came to help us with our rainbow challenges and interact in the areas of provision. They showed us how to form our letters correctly, create wonderful structures in the small world and even helped us with our water colour painting.

We love to build relationships across our school! 


We are very fortunate at Eastburn that we have our very own pond. Today we went to investigate and found many many frogs and frogspawn!


We have had our second stay and play session where our grown ups could come and explore the indoor and outdoor environment with us. We had some under the sea themed activities set up and we showed our adults how our rainbow challenges worked. 



 Our theme this half term is Animals. Today we read the story, 'Handa's Surprise'. We created fruit faces using some of the fruits that the animals stole out of Handa's basket on her way to her friends village. 



Today in Reception we were joined by the 'my dentist' campaign. They spoke with the children about how they can keep their teeth healthy. The children loved taking part in many different activities and all loved showing off their teeth after they had brushed them.  



Parent's joined us for our first stay and play session of the academic year. We enjoyed showing our grown ups both the indoor and outdoor environments. We had lots of wonderful, Christmas themed activities to share with them. 

We finished the session by enjoying a Christmas story in the hall. We even had hot chocolate and biscuits! 


 This week the school nursing team came in to show us how to wash our hands correctly. We learnt about how bugs and germs can affect our bodies and how we can wash our hands properly to get rid of them. We put some special gel on our hands, then washed our hands and used a special light to highlight any 'germs' that were still present. 



Today as part of our settling into Reception we had a walk around the school environment. We were very excited to explore the outdoor environment, library and met more of the grown ups who are in school. 



Class Letter

Summer 2 2024

Phonics Parent Workshop


 Useful Websites

www.phonicsplay.co.uk - here you will find some free games to help your child practice their blending, such as ;the 'Buried Treasure game' and 'Obb and Bob'.

www.topmarks.co.uk - some more fun games to practice skills that we have learnt at school.

www.ictgames.com - some more fun games to practice skills that we have learnt at school.


Please make sure your child is supervised when using these sites, to make sure that the adverts that may pop up are age appropriate!



 This half-term the children in reception class will be learning about how our bodies move, this will be done through dance on a Tuesday and on a Thursday we are focusing on ball skills and coordinating our bodies to move in different directions to avoid obstacles.  


Useful information

Reception change their library books every Friday.  Please make sure that your child returns their previous book before they choose a new one on the following Friday.


Here is the PowerPoint from our phonics workshop for parents - Phonics workshop. Here you will find lots of information about how we teach phonics at Eastburn. This letter formation sheet will help your children to recognise the way the letters are formed.